Chicken Pot Pie - using left over chicken

Home-made Chicken Pot Pie

Back when I used to do a lot of business travel, one of the few "safe" items to leave in the refrigerator was Mrs. Budd's Chicken Pot Pie.  It was something my husband could easily prepare and something the kids would eat because they knew it hadn't yet expired.  I'd heard too many horror stories upon returning home about a meal "Dad prepared" which "tasted funny."  It became easier over time to simply direct him to a Mrs. Budd's pie just incase I hadn't had time to sweep the refrigerator for expired items.

Store bought Chicken Pot Pie

Now that I don't travel as much I have the time to use up leftovers before they go bad.  Earlier I made a one crust apple pie.  Then, I roasted a chicken.  Leaving me with some left over pie dough and left over chicken.  Locating a few more ingredients from the refrigerator,  I was able to easily prepare my own chicken pot pie.  No need for Mrs. Budd.

The process is simple.  Dice up chicken, carrots, green beans (or peas, potatoes, etc.)  Whatever you have handy.  Tricky part always for me is the sauce...that is where I have to refer to a recipe.  I can never remember the liquid to thickener ratio needed in order to achieve the desired consistency.

Chicken Pot Pie

4 Tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup diced Carrot
1/2 cup diced Onion (sometimes I use a jar of pearl onions, left whole, drained)
1/2 cup diced green beans (or diced celery or frozen peas or dices broccoli - what you have available)
3 cups Chicken, shredded
1/4 cup Flour
2 cups Chicken broth
1/2 White Wine (if not using wine, increase amount of broth)
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1 Unbaked Pie Crust for 9 inch pie
Egg Wash - 1 whole egg mixed together with 2 Tablespoons water

Over medium-high heat, melt butt in a large pot.  Add carrots, onion and other vegetables you are including.  Stir for about 3 - 4 minutes, until onions are translucent.

Stir in the chicken and sprinkle the flour over top.  Stir until everything is combined.  Cook for 1 minute, then pour in chicken broth and wine.  Let simmer, stir frequently, until sauce begins to thicken.  Add salt and pepper.

Pour filling into a 9-inch pie plate.  Roll out the pie crust on a floured surface and lay it over the top of the plate.  With a knife, cut small vents in the surface of the dough.  Brush surface with Egg Wash.

Place the pie on a rimmed baking sheet and bake for 25 - 30 minutes in a 375 degree oven.

Note:  To prevent pie crust from browning too much, tent with foil for the first 15 minutes of baking.


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